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I've used the following safety razor blades for shaving my head. Astra, Voskhod, Feather, Perma-Sharp, Gillette Rubie, Ladas, and Wilkinson Sword.
Hands down the best blades for shaving my head have been the Perma Sharp blades. I usually start my head shave on the sides going from back to front. The initial pass with a safety razor and perma blades is so smooth and clean and just beat every other blade I've tried.
August 30, 2017
I love safety razors. I learned how to use them from my Grandfather. The only razors I use are safety. They give a clean, close shave every time. No reason to go back to cartridges ever again.
May 07, 2019
I wouldn’t recommend shaving against the grain I just tried it with my safety razor and have been bleeding for a half hour now.
January 08, 2017
Can you go against the grain with a safety razor?
October 21, 2016
I was hesitant at first, but after I finally caved in and spent the money, I couldn’t be more satisfied!
It is a much closer shave and for not having used one before this, I am very happy with the result.
The best advice I can give about using one is take it slow; don’t be in a rush. And as with any razor, short strokes rather than long strides. If you’re paying attention and feeling the razor, you will be fine.
In short, great product, great price, and an even better shave!
(I use the Lumberjack Oil and it smells fantastic!)
August 01, 2016
Hi I have been using DE razor now for 16 years I’ve become a collector different types of DE and belong to a club.
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July 17, 2018
I don’t believe the DE blades work well for head shaving. I always get razor bumps. My skin won’t adapt .Tried many blades. I never have issues using a cartridge for head shaving.I just purchased a Merkur Futur and like it quite a bit. No issues with using it on my face. I like experimenting with the wide selection of blades too.