Old school shaving kits are not just a fad - Just a better shave
Old school shaving kits are picking up popularity over the last few years with dedicated online communities of people talking about shaving the traditional way. Most of the time when people refer to old school razors they are actually referring to a Safety Razor.
Old School Razors
Safety razors were introduced in the late 1800's and remained the primary type of shaving tool for more than 70 years. When cartridge and disposable razors were invented they quickly replaced the old school razor. Some people say the reason is purely driven by profit from the razor manufacturing companies selling pricy replacement blades, others say the new razors are safer to use. The reality is probably somewhere in the middle.
Vintage mens shaving movement
Over the past few years we have seen a huge movement towards using vintage shaving products from a simpler time. I'm not sure if this is because our lives are so fast and complex with the information age that we appreciate simplicity. It could be that we are becoming more frugal and looking for another way to save a few dollars. I personally like both simplicity and saving money, so when I learned about these old fashioned razors I just had to get my hands on one.
Where to buy safety razor
Safety razors are very easy to find and relatively low cost to get one and start shaving. I started by purchasing a new razor online to see if I would like it and eventually started looking for vintage razors at flea markets and antique stores. My interest in the razors grew enough to start this website and start manufacturing our own. As a beginner getting into traditional shaving you should be willing to spend from $20-$30 for a good quality razor. I have bought $5 razors before and the saying "you get what you pay for holds quite true."
Old School Razor Blade
After your initial investment buying the razor blades is dirt cheap. There are all kinds of blades available with prices as low as about .10 cents each and for the more expensive blades are around .40 cents each. That's a HUGE savings when comparing it to the cartridge razor replacements that cost $3-$4 each time. I would suggest starting out with a sampler pack of razor blades and that will give you the opportunity to try out a selection of different blades and find out the blade that you like the most.
Barber Shop Shave
The quality of the shave that you get with an old fashioned razor is hands down a better shave. It's just like being at the barber shop, yet in the comfort of your own home. There is a learning curve, however once you have your technique down the shaves are much more enjoyable and the shave is smoother and closer than you can get with a cartridge.
Upgrade your shave
Whether you are looking to upgrade your shaving routine, want to save some money, or just want to get a bit nostalgic and shave like grandpa then an old fashioned razor aka safety razor is probably what you are looking for. It truly turns shaving into an experience and less of a chore and I actually enjoy my shaving routine rather than dread it.
Best Quality from a trusted brand
When we decided to expand our product line into old school razors we purchased more than 30 types of razors from manufactures from all over the world. We wouldn't settle on a low quality razor, so we kept looking until we found a manufacturer that could meet our quality standards and a razor we would could be proud of. We are now happy to offer our 3-piece safety razor for all of your old-fashioned shaving needs.